
Showing posts with the label Hadith

20 Best Hadith to Make you a Better Muslim

Hadith are there for us to learn and carry out in our lives, ahadith are mainly used to derive Islamic rulings from but this has to be done by a qualified Mujtahid. What I mean by best hadith is that, the narration starts with the word best or has advice in it about being the best. To have all these best hadith in one place is a good idea because you can bookmark this page and always refer to the best hadith when you need to. Best Hadith are the ones that usually tell us about having the superior character or etiquette so that we can take heed from it and think about how we can improve ourselves. Only when we think about it and apply it in our lives correctly that is when we can say that we are really living as an intelligent Muslim and can claim to understand the best Hadith. It is very common to read ahadith and not know what it means or how it can apply. That is because each hadith has its own context, this means that the Prophet (saw) wasn’t just saying these traditi...

Sacrifice or Qurbani: Philosophy and Rules. Qurbani: Are you ready?

Sacrifice or Qurbani: Philosophy and Rules. Qurbani: Are you ready? With Qurbani 1437 just days away, much excitement has set in. Preparations are underway, knives are being sent for sharpening, butchers are readying themselves for the influx of meat, and families are setting themselves up for a day of sacrificial slaughtering. The blood stained clothes, the stench-filled yard, the sight of children equally terrified and fascinated by having animals in their midst are all part of the Ibadah of Qurbani. But there is more significance to it than it being a day of commemoration: HazratAaisha (RadhiyallahuAnha) reports that Rasulullah (SallallahuAlayhiWasallam) said: “The son of Adam (Alayhis Salaam) does not perform any action on the day of Nahr (EidulAdha) which is more beloved to Allah Ta’ala than causing the blood (of the Qurbani animals) to flow”(MishkaatulMasaabih Vol.1 Pg.128). If you haven’t considered taking an active part in the Qurbani perhaps the above hadith could...


STORY OF IBRAHIM's qurbani... Qurbani  is also referred to as the Sunna of Ibrahim in many texts. It follows the true story of father and son, Ibrahim and Ismail, and their unflinching loyalty and devotion to Allah (SWT). The story serves as a means of motivation, education and inspiration to millions of Muslims around the world today. Here, we will talk about this story at length. It is said that Ibrahim (AS) had a dream one night, in which Allah (SWT) told him to sacrifice Ismail, his beloved son. At first Ibrahim (AS) thought it was the devil playing tricks on him and he immediately disregarded it. However the following night, the same dream occurred again commanding him to do the same. Ibrahim (AS) then came to realise that this was no fluke and in fact, a message from Allah (SWT). Ibrahim (AS) loved his son, Ismail (AS). Yet he was fully prepared to follow Allah's (SWT) command and do as He instructed. He took his son to Mount Arafat along with a knife and rope. ...