20 Best Hadith to Make you a Better Muslim

Hadith are there for us to learn and carry out in our lives, ahadith are mainly used to derive Islamic rulings from but this has to be done by a qualified Mujtahid. What I mean by best hadith is that, the narration starts with the word best or has advice in it about being the best. To have all these best hadith in one place is a good idea because you can bookmark this page and always refer to the best hadith when you need to. Best Hadith are the ones that usually tell us about having the superior character or etiquette so that we can take heed from it and think about how we can improve ourselves. Only when we think about it and apply it in our lives correctly that is when we can say that we are really living as an intelligent Muslim and can claim to understand the best Hadith. It is very common to read ahadith and not know what it means or how it can apply. That is because each hadith has its own context, this means that the Prophet (saw) wasn’t just saying these traditi...